|27062021| Pilot whales are back | As baleias piloto estão de volta
|ENG| Today we went all the way to the north of Faial island, almost to the Capelinhos Vulcano! The first species that we saw was the...

|26062021| Sleeping beauties | Belas adormecidas
|ENG| Another day, another group of sperm whales (Physeter macrocephalus). Today our expeditions were on the south of Faial and Pico...

|18062021| Sperm whale and Pico island postcard | Postal de Cachalote e Ilha do Pico
|ENG| Today was another typical day in the Azores! We start our morning expedition by seeing a group of common dolphins (Delphinus...

|12062021pm| Tiny risso's dolphin calf nursing | Cria de golfinho de risso em alimentação
|ENG| This afternoon the sea looked like a mirror! There was no wind at all and it was hot as a summer day. We start the expedition by...

|12062021am| Sperm whale reunion | Reunião de Cachalotes nos Açores
|ENG| Today was a perfect day for a sea expedition! The sun was shining and the sea was completely flat. We start the morning watching a...

|11062021| Portuguese man-of-war stole the attention | Caravela Portuguesa roubou o palco às baleias
|ENG| No sun today, but the sea was completely flat! The first species that we saw in our morning expedition was a sperm whale (Physeter...

|10062021| Our local stars | As nossas estrelas locais: golfinhos e baleias nos Açores!
|ENG| Another day, another adventure! Today we saw two species that very common to see in the Azores. Can you guess which species are? If...

|06062021| Strong sea turtle survivor
|ENG| Today it was windy but the group of Naturalists was ready for the adventure! We were heading to the location of sperm whales...

|05062021pm| Whales and dolphins with a Vulcano in the background
|ENG| In the afternoon expedition, we went to the same location that we were in the morning expedition. It was the same group of sperm...

|05062021am| Whales and dolphins with a Vulcano in the background
|ENG| In today's morning expedition, we went all the way to Capelinhos Vulcano! Perfect background for our sightings. Our first sighting...