|07-06-2019| Amazing calm Sperm whales in the South of Faial Island, Azores
In the morning we moved towards the South of the island of Faial. There was a large pod of female #Spermwhales (Physeter macrocephalus). We travelled to the vicinity of #Capelinhos volcano and lighthouse to observe these beautiful animals.

All the animals were diving in order to hunt squid, so we collected many pictures of their #flukes and bodies.

We moved around the Southern area of #Faial following the animals.

As we changed position so did the different amazing backgrounds changed...

We saw some Cory's #Shearwaters (Calonectris borealis) around too.

There was even opportunity to collect a biological sample of #whale skin according to the permit the #AzoresNaturalist team has with the Regional Government of the #Azores.

A big Thanks to all that chose the Naturalist - Science and Tourism to explore the waters and wildlife of #Faial and #Pico #supporting our #research!
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