|05-07-2019| Whale watching Azores: 6 Sperm whales and a huge pod of Atlantic-spotted dolphins
The flat sea provided the perfect conditions for whale watching.
The first animals that we saw was a pod of over 150 Atlantic-spotted dolphins (Stenella frontalis).

The animals were feeding on small pelagics

There was some Cory's shearwaters (Calonectris borealis) benefiting from the small pelagic fish brought to the surface by the dolphins.

Juvenils and sub-adults showed great surface activity.

Afterwards, we went after bigger animals: Sperm whales (Physeter macrocephalus).

A total of 7 very large females whales were seen socializing: a group of 6 animals shallow diving and transiting after feeding and one single whale that came to the surface after a long dive.

In the group there were 2 juveniles and 1 calf. Without fins it is harder to identify the pod so we will have to look for details on the skin for pod identification. Not everything can be solved on the same expedition!

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