|27062021| Pilot whales are back | As baleias piloto estão de volta
|ENG| Today we went all the way to the north of Faial island, almost to the Capelinhos Vulcano! The first species that we saw was the...
|12062021pm| Tiny risso's dolphin calf nursing | Cria de golfinho de risso em alimentação
|ENG| This afternoon the sea looked like a mirror! There was no wind at all and it was hot as a summer day. We start the expedition by...
|03062021am| Impact of fishing gear on wildlife
|ENG| The first sighting of the day was just outside of Horta harbor! It was a small group of Risso's dolphins (Grampus griseus), being...
|26042021| It was a dolphins morning
|ENG| After a few days of bad weather due to Lola depression the sea calmed down and we were able to go out! Despite our spotters were...
|15102020| 2 species of dolphins and one big sei whale
|ENG| Another day, another adventure! Today we went to the south of #Picoisland, since we had the wind coming from the north this was the...
|12092020pm| A leucistic risso's dolphin
|ENG| This afternoon we had an expedition to watch seabirds, lucky us we also got to see 4 different species of dolphins! Associations...
|12092020am| Biodiversity between islands
|ENG| Today was the day to go to the north, where we can see #Picoisland, #SãoJorgeIsland and #Faialisland all at the same time! Our...
|08082020am| Alongside Risso's dolphins
|ENG| Early morning and our experienced spotter, in the south of #PicoIsland, already had some sperm whales (Physeter macrocephalus)...
Risso's dolphin | Moleiro - Grampus griseus
|ENG| Scientific Name: Grampus griseus (G. Cuvier, 1812). Common Name (UK, FR, PT, ES, DE): Risso's dolphin. Grampus. Grampo. Calderón...