|20240824| The amazing sperm whales
Muito Obrigado! Thank you for supporting our research and help us collect data. We recorded cetacean numbers, behavior and photo-ID,...

|20240821| A day full of diversity in Faial
Muito Obrigado! Thank you for supporting our research and help us collect data. We recorded cetacean numbers, behavior and photo-ID,...

|20230820| Cloudy day with incredible wildlife!
Thank you for supporting our research and help us collect data. These pictures are an offer from our research team and students to you....

|20220819pm| Breaching calf sperm whale | Cria de cachalote a saltar!
|ENG| Great expedition today! Thanks to you, we managed to collect data for our monitoring programs, including sei whale (Balaenoptera...

|20210824am| Sperm whales and a waterfall | Cachalotes e uma cascata
|ENG| Great expedition today! Thanks to you we managed to collect data for our monitoring programs, including sperm whales (Physeter...

|12092020pm| A leucistic risso's dolphin
|ENG| This afternoon we had an expedition to watch seabirds, lucky us we also got to see 4 different species of dolphins! Associations...

|03092020| Full bellies
|ENG| An amazing morning with #Picoisland on the background in all of our sightings!! The first thing that we saw this morning was a...

|21082020pm| Feeding frenzy
|ENG| Wavy afternoon between #Picoisland and #SãoJorgeisland. An incredible afternoon that we had! On our way to find some whales, our...