|20211109| Baleen whales in November ! | Baleias de barbas em Novembro!
|ENG| Great expedition today! Thanks to you we managed to collect data for our monitoring programs, including sei whale (Balaenoptera...

|20211101| Wonderfull way to start the month | O mês não podia ter começado melhor!
|ENG| Great expedition today! Thanks to you we managed to collect data for our monitoring programs, including sei whale (Balaenoptera...

|20211025| Sighting of a northern gannet | Avistamento de um ganso patola
|ENG| Great expedition today! Thanks to you we managed to collect data for our monitoring programs, including sperm whales (Physeter...

|20211008am| Sei whale is back! | Primeira sardinheira do mês de outubro
|ENG| Great expedition today! Thanks to you we managed to collect data for our monitoring programs, including sperm whales (Physeter...

|202109023| Sei whale sighting | Avistamento de uma baleia sardinheira
|ENG| Great expedition today! Thanks to you we managed to collect data for our monitoring programs, including sei whale (Balaenoptera...

|20210908am| Mysticeti vs Odontoceti | Misticetos vs Odontocetos
|ENG| Great expedition today! Thanks to you we managed to collect data for our monitoring programs, including sperm whales (Physeter...

|20210906| Pilot whales together with bottlenose dolphins | Baleias piloto juntas com roazes
|ENG| Great expedition today! Thanks to you we managed to collect data for our monitoring programs, including sei whale (Balaenoptera...

|20210802am| Sei whale time | Dia de uma baleia sardinheira
|ENG| Great expedition today! Thanks to you we managed to collect data for our monitoring programs, including Risso's dolphins (Grampus...

|20210801| Sei whale - A visitor in summer | Baleia sardinheira - Visitante no Verão
|ENG| Great expedition today! Thanks to you we managed to collect data for our monitoring programs, including sperm whales (Physeter...

|20210724pm| Sei whale feeding | Baleia sardinheira em alimentação
|ENG| Great expedition today! Thanks to you we managed to collect data for our monitoring programs. We had an incredible expedition with...