Whale watching | Observação de Cetáceos

Year round activities, mainly from March to November
1-5 Pax: 65€ (70€ 15Jul-15Aug)
5 or more Pax/5 ou mais pax: from 62€. A partir de 62€.
Children/Crianças: (5-12 years old including): 45€
Species/Species: With over 25 cetacean species in the region, normally 2 to 3 different are observed on each tour. Sperm whales year-round, Blue and Fin whales in spring, while Bryde and Sei whales can occur also in the summer + several dolphin species that are resident.
Duration/Duração: Starting at 09h00 and/or at 14h00: 3h - 4h. Inicio às 9h e/ou às 14h.
Departure/Partida: Naturalist Base at Horta - Faial Island and/or Madalena - Pico Island. For pick up at Madalena, the expeditions are schedule for 2.30pm and a minimum number of 2pax is needed. Partida na Base da Naturalist na Horta pelas 9h ou pelas 14h. Os pick-ups na Madalena no Pico devem ser requisitados com antecedência, as saídas são sempre às 14h30 com um número mínimo para o pick up de 2 pax.
Period/Período: March-November. Março-Novembro.
Transport/Transporte: RIB boat 16pax. Semi-rigído com capacidade para 16 pessoas.
Includes/Inclui: Marine researcher from the University on board, Waterproof Clothes, Safety Insurance / Biólogo Marinho a bordo, Roupas Impermeáveis, Seguro.
Recommend/Recomendamos: Sunscreen, Water, Sunglasses, Jacket / Protector Solar, Água, Óculos de Sol, Casaco
Here in Faial and Pico we work with Whale Spotters finding the whales and dolphins from land. A briefing about the marine biodiversity and cetaceans occuring in the region will be made. A marine researcher/Biologist form the University of Lisbon and Azores will be on board to collect data and to provide you a unique experience with up to date information on marine life.
Since our boat is a zodiac, we do not recommend this activity in case of serious back problems or in case of pregnancy. Note that trips are dependent on weather and might be rescheduled in agreement, with total refund in case of cancelling. Information on the presence of species is provided prior of each trip.
Resumo No Faial e no Pico trabalhamos com Vigias. Antes de cada saída procuram as baleias a partir terra. Um briefing sobre a diversidade marinha e os cetáceos ocorrentes na região é feito antes da saída. Um investigador/biólogo marinho da Universidade de Lisboa e ou Açores estará a bordo para recolher dados e fornecer uma experiência única com informações actualizadas sobre a vida marinha. Como a nossa embarcação é um semi-rígido, não recomendamos esta actividade em caso de graves problemas de costas ou em caso de gravidez. De notar que as viagens dependem das condições metereológicas e podem ser remarcadas, com reembolso total em caso de cancelamento. Informações sobre a presença de espécies são fornecidas antes de cada viagem. Booking policy. Booking implies 100% payment of activity or accommodation, or 50% when booked over 15 days in advance. The remaining is charged on the day before the activity or check-in in cash or card (credit cards add 3% tax). For Bookings with less than 24h contact us to check availability! Disclaimer: Outdoor activities should not be booked in case of any health condition, including Pregnancy and back problems particularly for boat-based activities. Unreported health issues are 100% responsibility of the booking naturalist. Cancelation policy: Accommodation sales are final, and cancellation incurrs in a penalty. For outdoor activities, full refund (less bank taxes) is provided in case of cancelling due to weather conditions, and if cancelling occurs 15 days prior to the trip. Package activities may be replaced by other outdoor activities if limited by weather or season.