|20240620| Day full of species and with a rare sighting!
Muito Obrigado! Thank you for supporting our research and help us collect data. We recorded cetacean numbers, behavior and photo-ID,...

|20240605| Flying dolphins!
Muito Obrigado! Thank you for supporting our research and help us collect data. We recorded cetacean numbers, behavior and photo-ID,...

|20240430| Fast dolphins and baleen whales !
Muito Obrigado! Thank you for supporting our research and help us collect data. We recorded cetacean numbers, behavior and photo-ID,...

|20240321| A morning with baleen whales and dolphins!
Muito Obrigado! Thank you for supporting our research and help us collect data. We recorded cetacean numbers, behavior and photo-ID,...

|20240228| Baleen whales are back to Azores!
Muito Obrigado! Thank you for supporting our research and help us collect data. We recorded cetacean numbers, behavior and photo-ID,...

|20230924| Fun day with dolphins and whales !
Thank you for supporting our research and help us collect data. These pictures are an offer from our research team and students to you....

|20230724| Pilot whales, sperm whales beaked whales and a lot more!! !
Thank you for supporting our research and help us collect data. These pictures are an offer from our research team and students to you....

|20230708| Great day with 3 resident species!
Thank you for supporting our research and help us collect data. These pictures are an offer from our research team and students to you....

|20230523| First sighting of spotted dolphins this year!
Thank you for supporting our research and help us collect data! In this special morning we were able to see some sperm whales...

|20230518| Resident species of the Azores!
Thank you for supporting our research and help us collect data! This morning , we had the chance to see a group of sperm whales...